Back Blitz

Strengthens your back muscles and gives you a stronger and more elegant posture. A strong back makes it easier to maintain a good stomach support throughout the day, and also makes your belly look flatter.


  1. Lower Back Lift

    lower back lift

    Place yourself laying face down with arms along the sides. Keep both feet in the ground, contract the muscles in lower back and slowly raise your upper body. Hold the position 2 seconds and release down slowly. Keep neck straight throughout the movement by looking into the ground.

    Read more about Lower Back Lift

  2. Lower Back Lift and Row

    lower back lift and row

    Start laying face down with arms above your head. Activate your lower back muscles, lift upper body and arms from the ground. Hold the position, work the upper back by squeezing shoulder blades together and contract all muscles in upper back as much as possible for 3 seconds. Release and lower slowly.

    Read more about Lower Back Lift and Row

  3. Kneeling Leg Press

    kneeling leg press

    Place yourself on knees and hands, keep abs tight, keep knee bent 90 degrees and sole of foot upward. Lift one leg upward toward the sky using your glutes and lower back muscles. Hold 1-3 seconds, lower slowly and repeat with same leg.

    Read more about Kneeling Leg Press

Back Blitz is 1 of 24 workout routines in Poworkout Trim & Tone. Available for iPhone and iPad.

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