
Stretch routine containing exercises to increase flexibility in adductores.


  • Squated adductores stretch

    squated adductores stretch

    Start in standing position with legs wide apart, aligning knees and feet 45 degrees outward and sit back just as you do when you squat. Lean forward upper body with your back straight and place elbows on your thighs, pressing them lightly out with forearms to intense the stretch.

    Read more about Squated adductores stretch

  • Adductores stretch

    adductores stretch

    Start from a strong standing basic position and stride a big step out sideways with one leg, bend and sit back. Be sure to keep the knee in the same direction as the foot. Keep the other leg straight and press your hip forward.

    Read more about Adductores stretch

Adductores is 1 of 60 stretch routines in Poworkout Stretch. Available for iPhone and iPad.

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