Lower Body Intense - Moderate

Intense stretch routine to increase flexibility in lower body.


  • Standing deep hip stretch

    standing deep hip stretch

    Start in standing position and stride a big step backward with one foot. Keep track of the front leg so that the knee positioned straight above the ankle. Allow the back knee come down to the ground, hold up upper body and feel a deep hip stretch.

    Read more about Standing deep hip stretch

  • Standing quadriceps stretch

    standing quadriceps stretch

    Stand in a strong position, grasp the ankle of one leg and move heel towards your butt. Keep your knees together and push your hip forward. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize.

    Read more about Standing quadriceps stretch

  • Deep calf stretch

    deep calf stretch

    Start from a kneeling position and sit back towards your heels with your bottom and place one foot into the floor so that your toes line up with the knee that is in the ground. Place your body weight on the sole of the foot and stamp down the heel. Lean forward, lift the buttocks from the heels, think that the knee of the stretching leg should move slightly forward and down, without the heel leave the ground.

    Read more about Deep calf stretch

  • Adductores stretch

    adductores stretch

    Start from a strong standing basic position and stride a big step out sideways with one leg, bend and sit back. Be sure to keep the knee in the same direction as the foot. Keep the other leg straight and press your hip forward.

    Read more about Adductores stretch

  • Calf stretch

    calf stretch

    Stand in a strong position and step one large step backward with one foot and place both feet with your toes pointing straight ahead. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize, place the weight on the front leg and stamp down the rear foot's heel in the floor with a straight knee. Keep back leg stretched throughout exercise and press your hip forward and down.

    Read more about Calf stretch

  • Gluteus stretch leaned forward

    gluteus stretch leaned forward

    Start from a kneeling position, place one knee in front of the body and support using your hands and arms. Keep back leg stretched straight back and press the hip towards the ground.

    Read more about Gluteus stretch leaned forward

  • Hamstrings standing

    hamstrings standing

    Bend forward slowly with your back straight, bend the the legs while leaning forward upper body and then stretch legs slowly and in control when upper body hanging down. Avoid Bend forward slowly with your back straight, avoid hyperextending the knee joints.

    Read more about Hamstrings standing

Lower Body Intense - Moderate is 1 of 60 stretch routines in Poworkout Stretch. Available for iPhone and iPad.

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