Learn the muscles in your body - here is your glossary
Get to know the muscles, if you know how they work it goes faster to get in touch with them in each exercise.
You will strengthen the muscles you exercise faster if you know how they work, at least roughly. Here is a glossary of muscle muscles in Latin.
Adductores = The muscles on the inside of the thigh, bends the hip and knee and move the knees together.
Biceps = Muscles on the front on the upper arm, whose main job is to bend the arm.
Deltoideus = A muscle that surrounds the shoulder and consists of three parts. The rear part of it oscillates the shoulder backwards and moves arm forward. The front part oscillates the shoulder forward, The middle section lifts the arm straight out from the body up to 90 degrees.
Erector Spinae = The back muscles by the spine, responsible for balance and stabilizing the spine and keep it straight.
Gastrocnemius = The outermost calf muscle, flexing the knee and down rotates the foot. Keep leg straight to stretch.
Gluteus = generic name for gluteal gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.
Gluteus maximus = The body's largest and strongest muscle, it stretches and rotates the hip joint.
Gluteus medius = The middle gluteus muscle moves the leg out to side. This muscle is activated extra much in exercises with the weight on one leg, such as skating jumps.
Gluteus minimus = The small gluteus muscle, moves the leg out to side and works a lot in exercises with the weight placed on one leg.
Hamstrings = Generic name for the muscles on the back of the thigh, flexes the knee and extends the hip.
Iliopsoas - Hip flexor muscles, which flex the hip joint and rotates it outward.
Latissimus dorsi = Moves the arms backward and rotate them toward the shoulder blades.
Levator scapulae = Raises the shoulder blades. This muscle has a connection with the brain's stress center. In stressful moments this muscle gets tense and this can cause pain in the neck.
Pectoralis Major = The pectoralis major muscle has the function of bringing the arms toward each other.
Pectoralis Minor = The small pectoralis muscle keeps the shoulder in position and moves it diagonally down and forward. It is often this muscle that is too short when the shoulder is rotated forward.
Piriformis = A small butt muscle that rotates hip and leg outwards. A short and tight piriformis can cause pain that radiates down the leg, so-called false sciatica. This is due to a nerve that gets affected, and can be prevented by stretching.
Rhomboideus = Moves shoulder blades together, placed by spine and shoulder blades.
Rotator cuff = Group of muscles by the shoulder blade and the arm that stabilizes the shoulder joint and rotate. Fix and stabilize your arm when you want to keep it close to your body. You use this muscle group, to open up arms to hug for example. Opening muscles are subscapularis, supraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor and infraspinatus.
Soleus = The inner, deep calf muscle, down rotates the foot, such as when you step on the accelerator in the car. Stretch with bent legs.
Tibialis anterior = The anterior tibial muscle, flexes the ankle so the toes goes in the direction of the knee.
Tensor fascia latae = muscles outside of the hip and thigh, bends and opens up the hips and stretches the knee joint. When this muscle is too short, you can feel the pain on the outside of the knee when running, so-called runners knee. Can be prevented by stretching this muscle.
Trapezius = A strong muscle in the upper back in charge of the shoulders position. Activated at, for example, shoulder rolls upwards and backwards. It also turns your head and bend your neck backwards.
Triceps = Muscles on the back side of the upper arm, extends your arm.
Quadriceps femoris = The thigh muscles on the front of the thigh consists of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius. Rectus femoris flexes the hip and vastus muscles extends the knee.
You will strengthen the muscles you exercise faster if you know how they work, at least roughly. Here is a glossary of muscle muscles in Latin.
Adductores = The muscles on the inside of the thigh, bends the hip and knee and move the knees together.
Biceps = Muscles on the front on the upper arm, whose main job is to bend the arm.
Deltoideus = A muscle that surrounds the shoulder and consists of three parts. The rear part of it oscillates the shoulder backwards and moves arm forward. The front part oscillates the shoulder forward, The middle section lifts the arm straight out from the body up to 90 degrees.
Erector Spinae = The back muscles by the spine, responsible for balance and stabilizing the spine and keep it straight.
Gastrocnemius = The outermost calf muscle, flexing the knee and down rotates the foot. Keep leg straight to stretch.
Gluteus = generic name for gluteal gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.
Gluteus maximus = The body's largest and strongest muscle, it stretches and rotates the hip joint.
Gluteus medius = The middle gluteus muscle moves the leg out to side. This muscle is activated extra much in exercises with the weight on one leg, such as skating jumps.
Gluteus minimus = The small gluteus muscle, moves the leg out to side and works a lot in exercises with the weight placed on one leg.
Hamstrings = Generic name for the muscles on the back of the thigh, flexes the knee and extends the hip.
Iliopsoas - Hip flexor muscles, which flex the hip joint and rotates it outward.
Latissimus dorsi = Moves the arms backward and rotate them toward the shoulder blades.
Levator scapulae = Raises the shoulder blades. This muscle has a connection with the brain's stress center. In stressful moments this muscle gets tense and this can cause pain in the neck.
Pectoralis Major = The pectoralis major muscle has the function of bringing the arms toward each other.
Pectoralis Minor = The small pectoralis muscle keeps the shoulder in position and moves it diagonally down and forward. It is often this muscle that is too short when the shoulder is rotated forward.
Piriformis = A small butt muscle that rotates hip and leg outwards. A short and tight piriformis can cause pain that radiates down the leg, so-called false sciatica. This is due to a nerve that gets affected, and can be prevented by stretching.
Rhomboideus = Moves shoulder blades together, placed by spine and shoulder blades.
Rotator cuff = Group of muscles by the shoulder blade and the arm that stabilizes the shoulder joint and rotate. Fix and stabilize your arm when you want to keep it close to your body. You use this muscle group, to open up arms to hug for example. Opening muscles are subscapularis, supraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor and infraspinatus.
Soleus = The inner, deep calf muscle, down rotates the foot, such as when you step on the accelerator in the car. Stretch with bent legs.
Tibialis anterior = The anterior tibial muscle, flexes the ankle so the toes goes in the direction of the knee.
Tensor fascia latae = muscles outside of the hip and thigh, bends and opens up the hips and stretches the knee joint. When this muscle is too short, you can feel the pain on the outside of the knee when running, so-called runners knee. Can be prevented by stretching this muscle.
Trapezius = A strong muscle in the upper back in charge of the shoulders position. Activated at, for example, shoulder rolls upwards and backwards. It also turns your head and bend your neck backwards.
Triceps = Muscles on the back side of the upper arm, extends your arm.
Quadriceps femoris = The thigh muscles on the front of the thigh consists of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius. Rectus femoris flexes the hip and vastus muscles extends the knee.