Belly Work

Tough and effective training for your abs. Focus on your training technique to get the best results, rather fewer repetitions with perfect technique than more and sloppy ones.


  1. Reverse Crunch Straight Legs

    reverse crunch straight legs

    Lie on the ground with your feet up. Tilt pelvis by pressing your belly toward the spine. Using your abs, lift legs and hips up by reaching the feet up toward the sky, hold 1-3 seconds and slowly release.

    Read more about Reverse Crunch Straight Legs

  2. Leg Lift in Plank Position

    leg lift in plank position

    Start in plank position, on your toes or knees. Tighten your abs muscles and lift one leg, do your best to do it without moving any other body parts. Lower the foot and lift the other leg. Keep the hips parallel to the floor (be careful not to tip the hips to one side as you lift the leg). Focus on keeping the hips parallel to the ground, tighten your abs muscles all the time.

    Read more about Leg Lift in Plank Position

  3. V-sit


    Start in a seated position, curl up and bring your knees in so you almost reaches your toes. Contract abs and keep them tight, lift chest up and lengthen the spine. Imagine making a “V” using your thighs and upper body.

    Read more about V-sit

Belly Work is 1 of 24 workout routines in Poworkout Trim & Tone. Available for iPhone and iPad.

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