Hip flexors
Stretch routine to increase flexibility in hip muscles.
Kneeling hip stretch
Stand on you knees, stride forward with one leg and place the heel beneath the knee. Keep front knee behind your toes throughout the exercise. Fold in the tail and stretch your body upwards. Press the hip forward on the back leg.
Read more about Kneeling hip stretch
Standing deep hip stretch
Start in standing position and stride a big step backward with one foot. Keep track of the front leg so that the knee positioned straight above the ankle. Allow the back knee come down to the ground, hold up upper body and feel a deep hip stretch.
Read more about Standing deep hip stretch
Standing hip stretch
Stand in a strong basic position and stride forward with one foot. Fold in the tail, keep the hips parallel, tip hip back and press it forwards.
Read more about Standing hip stretch
Hip flexors is 1 of 60 stretch routines in Poworkout Stretch. Available for iPhone and iPad.