Standing hamstring stretch 90

standing hamstring stretch 90
Caroline Nilsson is your personal trainer showing you how to do Standing hamstring stretch 90.


Start in standing position with legs wide apart and the knees slightly bent, reach arms upwards, lean your upper body forward to 90 degrees and straighten your legs, but avoid hyperextending the knee joints. Bulge with buttocks and keep your back straight all the time.


Look ahead and breathe deep breaths, think that the stomach gets closer to the ground at each exhale.


Keep your arms at your sides instead, or put your hands on the sides. Stop halfway down.

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Stand with legs wide apart, bend and angle knees and toes 45 degrees outward.

Reach your arms up, bulge with buttocks folding upper body forward to 90 degrees and straighten your legs. Keep your back straight.

This exercise is 1 of 44 exercises that are included in the app Poworkout Stretch.

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