Seated back stretch

seated back stretch
Caroline Nilsson is your personal trainer showing you how to do Seated back stretch.


Sit down with bent or straight legs depending on your mobility in the the hamstrings , better focus on a comfortable position with your knees bent rather than compromising on technique. Round the back, then slide back like a cat and extend the neck.


Relax your back and neck and feel the spine stretch at each exhale.


Cross the forearms and grab the legs from the inside, between the knees.

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Erector spinae, Rhomboideus, Trapezius, Latissimus dorsi, Teres minor, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus and Subscapularis.


Sit with the legs slightly bent and back straight.

Round the back, push back as a cat and extend the neck.

This exercise is 1 of 44 exercises that are included in the app Poworkout Stretch.

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