Abs Activation when Lower Body Training
Active abs makes you hold up your upper body better and stronger when training legs and glutes.
Abs Control
Lie on your back with your hands on your stomach so you feel how your abs are working. Breathe in through your nose. Make a powerful exhalation and feel how the inner abdominal muscles get activated (exhale through the mouth). On the exhalation - imagine that you get a boxing punch in the stomach. By thinking so, you automatically activate the right abs muscles. The more powerful you exhale, the more you activate the abs muscles. Also try sounding letter "S" aloud or think that you blow the trumpet on each exhalation (this will help to get the hang of it).
Read more about Abs Control
Repeated good mornings
Stand on one leg, bend the lifted leg in the beginning, and once you get the hang of the exercise you can do it with straight leg. Place most of your body weight on the heel on standing leg. Bend in hip area and push back the butt at the same time, keep the hips straight (parallel to the floor) (avoid tipping the hip in any direction). Start with smaller movement, you're going to get deeper by practicing this exercise regularly. Bend forward and raise up again using the muscles in your back and butt. Keep the leg lifted off the floor and repeat again with the same side. Switch legs after so many repetitions that you think feels good, 3-5 reps per leg usually feel good. Good mornings standing on one leg, is a great exercise for back and hip stability.
Read more about Repeated good mornings
Place feet hip-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward. Keep abs tight to support your back and sit back as you do when sitting down into a chair. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground (reverse the exercise halfway the first times). Press your hips back up forcefully from your heels.
Read more about Squat
Abs Activation when Lower Body Training is 1 of 20 workout routines in Poworkout Mama. Available for iPhone and iPad.